In recognition of its service and to increase its efficiency still further, autonomy has been conferred on St. Xavier's College with effect from June 1987. In the autonomous system, this College is free to design the course pattern, frame its own syllabi for the various courses and adopt suitable methods of teaching and evaluation. The College is an affiliated First Grade College of the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University which will award degrees with the name of St. Xavier's College mentioned on the certificate.
In August 2019, UGC Expert Committee visited St. Xavier's College and extended Autonomy from 2019 to 2024, including ex-post-facto approval for 2018-2019.
NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC) assessed and accredited the college in 2000 and awarded FIVE STAR GRADE in the first cycle. NAAC assessed the college in the second cycle and awarded "A" Grade in 2006. NAAC accredited the college in the third cycle at "A" Grade with a CGPA of 3.50 in 2012. Based on the accreditation in the first three cycles, MHRD classified the institutions into high performing institutions and extended the validity of Accreditation period from 5 years to 7 years in respect of high performing institutions. The college was one among the few institutions which enjoyed the privilege of getting the extension of the validity period of NAAC accreditation from five years to seven years for the third cycle. NAAC assessed and accredited the college under the Revised Accreditation Framework (RAF) at "A++" Grade with a CGPA of 3.66 out of 4 in 2019 in the fourth cycle with the validity period of 7 years.